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The process of re-roofing involves replacing the old roof with new shingles. This process has its benefits on the environment which is why homeowners prefer to use second-hand roof tiles for sale for re-roofing. This article will explore some of the environmental benefits of re-roofing:

What Are the Environmental Benefits of Re-Roofing 1

Environmental benefits of re-roofing

  • It Helps Reducing The Waste That Goes into the Landfill

The major environmental benefit of re-roofing is that it reduces the waste that goes into the landfill. More often than not, roof replacement involves tearing off the old roofing materials which are later disposed of at the landfill. However, re-roofing which involves adding a new layer over the existing roof reduces the amount of waste that’s generated. This reduces the waste that goes into landfills and reduces the environmental impact of disposing of roofing materials.

  • It helps to improve energy efficiency

The materials used for re-roofing are mainly designed for energy efficiency. For example, reflective shingles are designed to reflect the sun’s rays which helps to reduce the heat in the building. Re-roofing provides energy efficiency that reduces the temperature indoors which helps to save energy costs. Since the energy consumption in the house is reduced, it leads to low emissions of gas from power plants. During re-roofing, homeowners should use insulated roofing materials that help maintain a cool indoor temperature and improve energy efficiency.

  • It increases the use of sustainable materials

Sustainable materials are fast becoming popular in the roofing industry. Recycled shingles, metal roofs and tiles which are all eco-friendly are all made from sustainable sources. These materials last longer and have a low impact on the environment. For instance, metal roofing can be made from recycled materials and can be recycled again at the end of its lifespan.

  • It helps to preserve resources

Re-roofing helps to preserve natural resources in the environment. You may be wondering how this works, well by completely avoiding removing the roof, the production of new roofing materials will be greatly reduced. Conserving resources is necessary for materials that need a lot of energy for production such as metal and asphalt shingles. Also, extending the life of the existing roof by re-roofing means that less resources will be used over time.

  • It contributes to green building certifications

For those looking to get green building certifications like LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), re-roofing can help you achieve that. Most materials used for re-roofing are mainly energy efficient and are produced with sustainable materials which is in line with the requirements for green building certifications. Achieving this certification improves the environment and increases the value of your property if you put it up for sale.

What Are the Environmental Benefits of Re-Roofing 2


There are many environmental benefits that re-roofing provides. As people become more aware of the impact of their activities on the environment, re-roofing becomes one of the best ways to ensure a safe and sustainable environment.

You need to hire the best roofing contractor to handle your re-roofing Melbourne project. A contractor with the best skill, team and equipment like us at Sunshine Roofing. Contact us today to learn more about our services.

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